Sunday, June 5, 2011

dear god, two more days

2 more days until i depart for staging in DC, and then head to peru for the next 2 years of my life.

packing: 5% complete
paperwork: 78% complete
saying goodbyes: never. i hate goodbyes. let's just not and say "see you in a few years" instead.
vlog: yea. too much fear of having my face on the internet. but i'll try to get over it...

2 days to prepare less than 100 lbs. of things that i get to take with me. this will, hopefully, consist predominately of clothes so i'll actually have less? but who knows. cause i sure as hell don't.

i hope my stuff isn't stolen in transit from the US to Peru, which seems to be a possibility.
note to self: mark all things with "God bless" in the hopes that fear of God will help deter some thieves from taking my things.

how did it get to 2 days already? dear me, i don't know. could have sworn i had much time.

they say time flies, but they didn't tell me it flies like a mach 10 plane.

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