Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 0: Staging

Today is the first day of the next 27 months of my life. I'm not 100% sure how I should feel right now. Honestly? It just feels like I'm going back to college, or I'm at a rugby tournament. I mean, I have my rugby bag, I'm at a hotel with all my electronic things (laptop and now a brand new KINDLE that my friends bought me as a going away gift. I should probably mention that all my friends are gorgeous, in mind, heart and body, and I love em all to death.), and I'm meeting amazing people left and right.

Speaking of the people: the PC is doing a fantastic job with that. As of yet, everyone I've officially met has been just mind blowingly friendly, funny, and an absolute pleasure to talk with. I know for a fact that I will be developing a mild crush on every single one of them. Probably not romantically, mind, as anyone who knows me can tell you that I'm basically incapable of traditional "romantic" love. Like a robot. Actually, robots are awesome. I wish I had a bionic arm or something, that would be so cool.

But I really do hope everyone likes me. I know I can be kind of weird and "quirky," to put it nicely, but I hope it doesn't put anyone off :/ I know, I know, I probably shouldn't be worried about what other people think, but you know what? I do. I want the other PCTs to like me, I want my 2 host families to like me, I want the community I will be serving in to like me. Why can't we all just be friends? Is that a naive sentiment that dwells solely in my mind? I don't think so. I think it's an attainable goal, I just have to keep myself in line, I guess.

But in any case, I'm getting nervous. Also, because I left my external at home with all my movies and things. Because I am an idiot who shouldn't pack last minute. My bad. I'll live without it, but it's going to be annoying. On my laptop, I have the Firefly series, The IT Crowd series, Tangled, and Princess Bride. I'm really hoping these will last me the next years but I doubt it very much. It's a good thing I like to read so much, cause I'm def going to be doing that a lot. Unfortunately, I'm a fast reader and I've already finished Tina Fey's Bossypants on the plane ride over (p.s. I read the entire thing with her voice in my head. It was both weird and wonderful.)

While I'm in D.C. I also plan on going to CVS or something and getting some last minute things, like crayons and stuff to bribe future peruvian children with. No, bribing children with goods is not something that is beneath me. Read above: I WANT THEM TO LIKE ME. no matter the means. As long as it isn't my kidneys or something, I'm totally fine just giving away everything I have for them to like me :( it's a little sad, a little desperate, but that is actually how much I want to be liked T.T

Anyway, something else I will have to do tonight is readjust some of my packing. So, once we get to Peru, there are like 3 or so days of like a retreat-format thing, or something. I don't know, apparently it was in one of the attached docs we got as an email, which I haven't read... Still, I don't think I have enough clothes on my carryon for something like that. Like pants. I have 1 pair, the one I'm wearing right now. I'm totally okay with wearing that for every day until they fall apart, but I'm pretty sure that's gross and people around me will not appreciate it. I'm thinking wearing the same thing every day and being grody for that long will hurt my plans to be liked. This also means that I will have to open the bag that my father was able to somehow shut with all the stuff inside of it. Part of me worries that opening it will be like opening Pandora's Box, in that everything will suddenly explode out of it and I will feel like an idiot, but the butterfly of hope (aka, a pair of jeans) might not be worth it in my situation...

Ah well, I'm going to grab breakfast at Starbucks* (read: a caramel macchiato, because I'm too nervous to eat solid food but a macchiato has the same number of calories as 1/4th a supreme breakfast platter at McDonalds. By the way, I don't know when they started including the calories of dishes at restaurants, but I LOVE IT. I'm terrible at figuring out that stuff, so I was shocked- positively shocked- when I found out that said breakfast platter has 1010 calories. what? I used to eat that so much as a kid! No wonder I'm such a fatty... Bah. I'm hoping time in the PC will also allow me some "get healthy" moments, even though so far everyone I've talked to says I will most probably gain 10-15 lbs from the rice and potatoes I will be consuming by the truckload. Erm. That's not good, but it sounds really delicious... See? Like I said, it feels like I'm going back to school. Maybe the freshman 15 will actually hit me in Peru? I lost weight in college, mostly from sports and not eating anything that would make me tired/consuming atrocious amounts of sugar free redbull and monster as the bottom of my food pyramid. I'm going to assume my diet of energy drinks will not be continued in Peru. I assume.)

Off to breakfast! I shall report what my day is like later. Thanks for reading :)

*edit: so we went to bruegger's bagels instead, except that turned into going to whole foods which meant i got me a naked juice (that weird green one? it's the best kind) and some fruit/nut mixture for later. also, i'm editing this during my break from orientation and they gave us soda but it's these cute tiny things and the bottles are made of glass! i love it!! i want to take them all home with me, just so i can look at them... glass bottles are so much better than plastic. i dunno how they rank next to juice boxes though. a side by side comparison will be necessary for that.

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