Saturday, December 4, 2010

NaNoWriMo ended, now what?

with NaNoWriMo now over and my story, although 50k+, still incomplete, will i ever be motivated to continue writing? one day. i'll have to pick up the story line again and do a ridiculous ton of editing, but i like the concept behind the story so i'll def have to get back to it.

in other news, nothing new from the PC yea :/ i really really really really hope i get in. if i don't, i can honestly say i don't know what else to do with my life at this moment... so i guess i'll work on some goals for 2011:

1. for december and january, review spanish (language and medical language)
2. remove all processed sugars (e.g. candy) and carbs (e.g. bread) from my diet, see how that works for my energy level and general fitness
3. volunteer somewhere. it's only going to be for a month or two, but i'm getting tired of not doing anything for the community i live in.

that's all for now.

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