Friday, October 22, 2010

NaNoWriMo 2010

so this is my first year attempting the nanowrimo and quite frankly, i'm elated! so, i will be blogging about my attempts through the month of november and from now until then, i'm gonna be doing the best i can to outline some sort of storyline for this, which is probably the scary part.

i have no idea if i will succeed; i've never actually written a story longer than 3 pages and attempting a 175 page novel is really gonna push my abilities. so here's to quantity and not quality!

novel ideas:
a bad guy who's actually a good guy but stuck in a bad guy role (e.g. dr. horrible)
a bad guy who does bad things in the name of good (e.g. dexter)
a good/bad guy who's actually a bad/good guy

things that make novels good:
protagonist (weak but strong), antagonist, mystery, romance, action/suspense/the unknown, protagonist's entourage, aaannndddd dunno. this was based on harry potter...hahha... oh dear.

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