it's been said that 70% of PCVs in peru poop their pants, but the doctors here believe that percentage is higher. apparently, there were only 2 or so volunteers by the end of last year's group to not poop themselves.
i thought this was hysterical, until i found out that someone "peru'ed" themselves today. no names, mind, but it's now definitely a reality.
to quote doctor jorge, "never trust a fart."
ok, i'm gonna do my best to stop talking about poop now. seriously though, this has become a usual conversation piece at lunch and it kind of makes me laugh, like a lot. i never talked about anyone's digestive system so often back in the states, and now it's a thing. hilarious.
in other news, i've started a small running group with other peace corps trainees in the morning! i'm now going to be getting up at 5am to meet runners in front of my house at 5:30am. i think my host sis natali is going to be joining us as well! yaaaay~ this way, i can get some exercise and not feel like a major slob cause all i do is eat delicious things and sit around in front of the tv or at the table, chatting away with my poor castellano.
speaking of delicious things, i ate pacay and chirmoya yesterday! it was after i went to watch pachamanka a la tierra, which is basically a meat dish that goes through an intense process in order to get cooked. the ovens are located underground, so you put rocks from the river (they've been washed first) into a hole in the ground. you somehow get them really really hot, then you put a metal rack kind of thing on top of it with meat on it. there're herbs put on top of the meat, which is then covered with corn husks. more super hot rocks are placed on top of that. there's another layer of meat, more rocks, and some potatoes too. more rocks and more rocks and then you just leave all of that alone for a few hours. later, rocks and things are all removed and the pachamanka (the meat dish) a la tierra (of the earth) is removed and eaten. i didn't try any cause i had another dish (some pork thing called chicharron) moments before at my grandparents' home.
the pachamanka a la tierra was located in santa eulalia, and i walked with my host sis natali and one other PCT, jessica. on the walk back, nati introduced us to pacay and chirrimoya, both of with are super delicious fruits. pacay looks kind of like a gigantic pea pod, except you crack it open and eat the sweet, fibrous white flesh inside, discarding the gigantic seeds on the street. oh! so good! and then chirrimoya. oh my god. chirrimoya. it's this weird, not quite round blob of green thing but inside is a super soft, white piece of flesh with small black seeds. again, you don't eat the seeds, only the white flesh, but jesus christmas on a cracker. that thing is the sweetest fruit i have ever eaten. ever. i've never had it in the states, which is just stupid sad. it basically tastes like a soft lump of pineapple/orange/banana/guava and dear baby jebus, que rico. i was in fruta heaven and wished i could just shove the entire thing in my mouth, but that's not at all lady like, so i refrained. sort of. eh. i might have failed at the refraining. whatever.
once i'm not a lazy bum and i post my pictures, i will do so. right now, i have TONS AND TONS of castellano hwk that i need to do because i want to go to bed early so i can run again tomorrow. i like running so much more than i used to. i don't know why. i literally woke up around 4am today and just rolled around until my alarm went off, so i would have an excuse to get out of bed. something's wrong with my brain, maybe. that's ok. i like it.
chao for now! more to come!
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