Is this the most exciting thing to happen in my life? Maybe. Unless you count that time my lil brosef was born, which I don't remember. Or that time I got into college, which I'm still not sure was real or made up in my head cause 4 years really shouldn't go by so quickly.
Honestly, these next 2 years are going to go by so fast. College was like a blink. Peru is going to be difficult, I'm going to be constantly frustrated by the language barrier, the culture difference, and the isolation, but how long do you think that'll last? I'm going to make an absolute fool of myself trying to speak, I'll probably find myself in situations that I do not want to be in, but after all of the headache and difficulty, I'm going to become a better person.
Plus, I'll get to try guinea pig. That's just weird and amazing.
Alright, here we go next 2 years. You might feel like a soul drain the first few weeks, and like a difficult child throughout but like it or not, I'm going to enjoy it all!!! FACE MY OPTIMISM AND BE SUBDUED.
I'll figure out the internet situation once I get there and keep you updated about that. Good luck USA! Please become a better place by the time I get back? k thnx.
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