Hola amigitos,
Ok, so nothing much beyond the norm has been happening in these last few days. Oh, except, you know, saying goodbye to all my friends because they're leaving Peru to go off on their next adventures and I'm still here, trying to frantically finish up my projects, grants, and saying goodbye.
Ugh, saying goodbye is the worst. I mean, we're all leaving and some are going to travel for a bit (some of my friends are going on this amazing trip to Columbia, followed by a sailing trip to Panama and I, for reasons unknown.... kinda, there are good reasons but sometimes I forget... I am not going with them. SAD FACE.) and other are heading back to the states to be with family, friends, and significant others but we're all going to be so much further apart than before.
I mean, when we finished training in Chosica, it felt like I had something in my eye for days. Like a stick. Or a sharp rock. Whatever it was, it was constant tears. And that was when I knew I would be seeing them periodically, or at least it was within my power to easily go visit if I really felt the urge.. Now? I don't know. We'll be in the same country soon enough, but the US is way bigger than Peru.
This basically means I need to plan a road trip to visit as many states as possible, and a year in reunion with my 17ers and la lib favorites.
This also means me lying awake all night, the insomnia having returned, and bolting awake again once I've managed to catch a few hours, with a mild heart attack and literally saying out loud things like "WHY DO I OWN SO MUCH STUFF?" and "THIS WAS A MISTAKE" and "GAAAAAAAAAAAAH."
The end of Peace Corps is really the definition of bittersweet. There's a sadness underlying every day, a sadness underneath a constant denial of what's happening, interrupted by surges of panic. It's terrifying. Especially since on top of all these, like the cream and cherry on top, is me attempting to enjoy every single last second of it.
How messed up is that?
On the other side, I'm so excited to go. I'm like head over heels, puppy dog tail wagging kind of happy every time I think about going to machu picchu and puerto maldonado after COS, going home, getting to be with my family after 2 years of being in another country, starting a life with a job and moving towards a career, and even dating again (and although many PCVs will shake their heads no, I'm a big fan of some Peruvian men- the tall, dark, and handsomes who whisper sweet nothings in Spanish? Sweet nothings that I now understand? Yea. But all fun and no work's gotta end soon, right?)
I still have over a month left in Peru, and until August- it's going to be a series of Chaufas and Te quiero muchos and photographs galore.
Fun fact: Did I ever tell you about that time I lost my camera in Puno? Yea. Not sure if it was stolen or lost, but in any case I reported it. Considering the few months I had left in Peru, I just didn't think it was worth buying another digi cam, especially since another thing I'm really looking forward to in the states is getting me an iphone or some sort of scary smartphone with a small human named Siri locked inside. So instead, I've invested in a series of disposable DIGITAL cameras. Isn't that crazy? We're so technologically up there that we now have digital cameras... that you THROW AWAY after using.
Oh! Besides my random musings, I wanted to tell you about the 10k I ran last Sunday. The International pacasmayo marathon is basically and off road masterpiece. It was started by a PCV like 6 years ago and has been going on strong ever since. I think slowly, but surely, it's gaining a foothold in the running world as a pretty intense and fun course to run. Although it's small, it definitely packs a wallop. Last year I ran a half marathon- my very first race ever- and like died.
I was definitely not prepared for the hills, the rocks and dirt, and the sun/wind combo. But you know what? I finished, and that's what counts! Still, my knees were seizing up just thinking about another half this year so I decided to do the 10k. Sadly, not having the motivation I did while training (badly, I might add... my training for the 21k was better suited to run a 10k but whatever) for the half so I basically did zero training for the 10k. I just figured, I'll run it. I'll finish it. I won't do well, but there we go.
I was right. I was aiming for an hour for the 10k but boy oh boy did I underestimate those hills and rocks again. Thankfully, not too much sun or wind this year around but I only managed to finish the 10k in 1hr 8min... But you know what was great? The PCVs who participated. We stayed until the last pcv came in (running the full marathon on some pretty damaged knees) and then we partied afterwards. Last year was intense, but this year was super chill. We made hot wings (sriracha honey hot wings, and tabasco sauce hot wings) and cauliflower for the vegetarians, sweet potato fries, and the beer flowed gently. There was music and singing, ping pong, and wonderful conversation as giant dogs in the hostel gently passed out on top of everyone.
Definitely a day to remember, and a solid last hurrah with other PCVs. The day afterwards, some of my favorites accompanied me to my Pasos Adelante class, where we had one PCV play his guitar and sing the ABCs of Prevention song in front of the school, and then went to my women's nutrition course where we made some plate lickingly delicious gluten free apple crisps!
God. I'm seriously going to miss these guys. And nothing in this 'verse is gonna stop me from seeing them stateside.
So that's all for now. At the mo, I'm waiting to hear back from the TEFL ppl so I can get my password and username, and take my exam to become TEFL certified. Why am I doing this, when I actually have no desire to ever teach english as a second language? I honestly don't know. Peer pressure. Everyone else was doing it, so I got on board. I actually even begged Peace Corps to please please please let me slide into this group's cause I originally forgot to sign up on time. Now, I don't know why I wasted a couple hundred bucks on this.
I'm an idiot. But I'm doing it anyway!
So now I'm eating snacks that I bought to push me through the exam, even though I have no idea when they'll respond and give me my password and things.. hopefully soon : /
I'll try to keep you posted as my days dwindle down... Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boooooy.
Peace and Love
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