Hello boys and girls,
So after my epic blog about spending New Year's in Ecuador (again... best NYE I've ever experienced in my life. I highly suggest it to everyone on earth.), I dropped the ball and haven't posted for what... like 2 months now?
My bad.
In any case, nothing that spectacular has happened since then. My legs are destroyed from the mosquitoes, it's been rainier than ever before (like... floody), and I'm swamped with projects! Thankfully, my "creativity and critical thinking" and my english classes won't be starting until April, but my women's nutrition class is getting pretty fun (I think I'll be including an extra class to be taught in another pueblito next month) and I've been working on camp things!
Speaking of camp, we just had an english camp called Camp ACCESS last weekend and it was so much fun! The embassy gave El Cultural (english learning center) some money to pull of this camp and with the full force of a PCV here in la lib, it was a total success! Lots of US culture, speaking english, american food (peanut butter. nutella. freakin amazing), along with the theme of healthy living. It was super fun and I'm really glad I got the chance to participate :)
I'm working on our own Camp ALMA right now, which is a PC all girls youth camp that we're hoping to pull off in June. It should be fun, and a total headache, but worth it for the experience these girls get to have regarding their health, education, and futures!
What else... oh! So there is a PCV living in Pacasmayo, which is just a few minutes out of my town. We've been working on a radio program that gets broadcasted every wednesday. It's tons of fun and I'm really liking the little bit of fame I've been accruing. Not gonna lie, I like being known. It's a weird conflict between my enjoyment of fame and my intense privacy... weird.
But whatever, I'm a weird person and I've always been. I accept this and my life moves on.
In other news, next week is holy week (semana santa) and I'll be travelling to Arequipa/Puno to see the colca canyons and lake titicaca! Really excited about that and it'll be my longest vacation yet (2 whole weeks!). I'm worried that being out of site for so long will be what finally convinces my neighbors and site friends that I've left for america for good. It's like, every time someone sees me with a backpack, they ask me if I'm leaving forever.
I swear, I'm just going to the municipality. I'm on my bike for goodness sakes... do you think I can bike to California?? Cause if you do... thank you.... I'm super out of shape but it's nice to know that people think I can still do crazy fit things!
Alright, I'm being a nuisance in the muni right now. There's a meeting going on and I'm just sitting here, using the internet for no reason... Technically I'm finished with the internet work I need to get done today but... I just really like being connected.
Tragic what this world of internet is turning me into. Zombies, like in The Walking Dead... but not as scary. Those zombies are freaky. Also, that show is AMAZING and I can't stop watching it.
Love and Peace (until next time... I swear, I'll try to post again sooner!)
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