Hello my lovely readers!
So, my last blog post was super sad and a total debby downer, but I'll have you know that it's no longer so!
Well, sort of.
I got myself a weekend in Trujillo after hell week 2 and I'll just say... it added to the series of stories and experiences that I am slowly but surely collecting here in PerĂº. Seriously though, the States just feel so boring after all the craziness that has happened in my short time here! VIVA PERU.
Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this week! Sadly, it's the aniversario of my site on the day of Thanksgiving. Yes, I do want to celebrate my aniversario and a lot of people are super psyched about it here, but sadly I will be disappointing them. I love my site, I love the people here, but I really miss my friends...
Ah well, I'll celebrate the aniversario next year! It'll be fine~
But en serio, I'm mega pumped. Thanksgiving back home was all about family. It was the one time of the year that my entire family (or at least those who are in Cali) would meet up for food and drink, and just to be in each other's company. I associate Thanksgiving with family, so being thousands of miles away is hard. It sucked in college, but I think it'll suck less here.
In college, everyone left to go home. People lived close enough that they could drive or take the bus. I loved my family, but couldn't see spending money I didn't have for a plane ticket back. Thanksgiving was spent with those friends who were in the same situation as I was, and all of us were mildly miserable because of it.
Here, though, all of us are volunteers! We're here because we want to be (although cash might still be a part of that) and a whole bunch of us are gonna get together to create that family time among ourselves.
Good enough for me!
So I'm in the midst of planning our generally itinerary. Now entirely sure how much of that I'll be following myself, but I'm going to try my darn best.
Mostly I'm hoping that I'm not going to get to Thanksgiving totally ill because I'm not sleeping much, going outside, or eating well at the moment.
Kind of stressed. I still have this community diagnostic going on, but there are tons of things on my mind right now, and I am finding it really difficult to focus on collating data... I am still finding it difficult to even communicate what's on my mind. I've never been really good at that to begin with, anyway. I really enjoy talking to others and listening to their problems, but I just can't seem to do the same to others. I don't like unloading my thoughts and worries to burden others. I can't figure out why, especially because I highly encourage people to call me when they need an ear. For some reason, I can't seem to put... I don't know, would it be trust? Can I not trust others? That might be it.
I don't even know. I gotta work on that part of my life, probably.
Anyway, yea. So next week is training with the PC and I have to finish up my diagnostic for that. I just talked to someone today, actually, who mentioned that there's a jail that has been abandoned for almost 3 or so years now. I want to talk to the police station to ask what their plans are for that space. If they're going to renovate it, alright, but if there's no plan... I could totally aprovechar that space and start a kick ass youth center!
Wishful thinking, most likely. I doubt they'd let me just take such a huge, amazing open space... but a girl can dream, right?
Alright, back to the grind.
Exhausted but happy.
Love you all.
and Peace and Love!
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