It's almost Halloween!
: D
Halloween is one of my most favorite holidays EVER for the following reasons:
1. It's an entire day where the end goal has always been to get as much freakin candy as possible. FOR FREE.
2. Costumes are always awesome. If given the chance, I'd like to dress up every day. However, this gets me weird looks from people so I don't indulge in it as much. On Halloween, though, dressing up gets you weird looks of admiration based on how awesome your costume is. PLUS so many more people are joining you on your wardrobe choice! It's also a chance to just be someone you're not for a day. I'm gonna pretend I'm not a nervous wreck of a human being who's high strung, fairly prudish, and scared of life. It's gonna be awesome.
3. Besides Starbucks pumpkin spice latte, Halloween was always a sure sign of Fall. Not so much here, since it's spring in PerĂº, but I know that it is back in the states. So that's nice.
4. Parties get even better because there's a definite theme and themed parties are fantastic.
4.5 Plus, the food and drinks served have weird names and ingredients to them sometimes. I'm always a fan of adventurous food time! Halloween marks a change into fall, and we get fall ingredients! yay!
5. Decorations! This is when tons of houses will go all out to make their homes look crazy cool ( and everyone appreciates that.
6. I hate scary movies. However, some ppl like them. To each their own. I hate them.
There are more reasons, but I can't think of them. I think the thought of scary movies kind of kicked happiness out of my head.
BUT anyway, back to happy thoughts! I'm hoping to get out this weekend, and not be working and stressing about things just for a day or two, and to hang with the girls I adore here in La Libertad (17ers, what what)
That, and I gotta get my costume in order. Not gonna tell you just yet what I'm gonna be, but it's adorbz and I'm happy about it : D
That's all for now, pics and things to come soon.
Peace and Love!
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