now, i'm not saying that i don't enjoy texting. in fact, i find it very easy and convenient when i'm asking a question that doesn't really have a definite "need to know" by time. it's like dropping off a note to someone and knowing that they'll get it.
what i find annoying is when people don't text back. if it's a text with something really silly, or someone is obviously bored and just wants to drop a note to say hi, that's one thing. but when it's a question i'm asking and it's clearly not rhetorical (e.g. are you free for lunch tomorrow? is not a rhetorical question) then i expect a response. no response indicates that you are ignoring me. in which case, please be aware that i hate you. sometimes it's just a little "i hate you" and sometimes it's a big fat mother f'n "i hope you die a horrible death" kind of hate. really though, only one person i know has received the latter form (if she doesn't know it, then i hope karma runs over her fat foot and spits in her hair to let her know i say hello). maybe i'm just expressing a need to be noticed, my hatred of being ignored. then again, it could be my deep abhorrence for rudeness and crass, impolite people.
another thing i find annoying is when people don't text or call if they're about to cancel a meeting. it's just kind of dumb. it sucks when people i actually like do this to me because it makes me want to slap them or never hang out with them. ever. and then asking me at 6:55 if i got the email they sent 30 minutes ago about not being able to meet me at 7. i like the internet, but i'm not plugged into my email account 24/7. maybe emailing me when i'm already out the door, excited to meet up, is not the smartest way to do this. it's dumb. and makes me mad at you. and add another check to your list of "stupid things" which is a running tab i have on everyone i know.
but you know what? this really wouldn't be a big deal if i just didn't have friends. maybe it's having watched a dexter marathon, but i'm starting to like the idea of being a loner. i like people, mind. i love being around them and meeting up, having some good ol' social fun but sometimes, the bad parts of being a social character really start to outweigh the good parts of it. i know i hold a high standard for people, but they're all standards that are fairly simple to meet. maybe the problem is that i hold standards for them but they don't hold them for themselves. so what if you ditch one meet up with a friend because you're kinda in the mood to watch tv or chill at home alone? i mean, besides the fact that you're falling lower and lower on my scale of people i deem "good humans," nothing.
but then again, maybe you should have let them know at the start of the day. not 30 minutes before you planned to meet. a meeting that we planned a week in advance.
if i didn't feel a horrible sense of guilt at cursing, i would probably inject one here.
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