Monday, January 4, 2010

dream 2

dream last night again, this one was kind of sad...

someone else and i were helping amelia carry books from a library located on the 3rd floor to her car, parked in the basement parking lot. as we are ferrying books back and forth, i realize that eventually, i'm the only one doing all the work (amelia and the second person suddenly stop showing up, so it's what i assumed). as i was carrying another load of books, my phone goes off but i can't answer it cause my hands are tied. i drop off the books, and check my phone to find that stevie has sent me a HUGE text. it starts off:

"here's the key:
1. everything that's been completed since colors
2. things that have been going on are grey
3. (i forgot what this one was... had to do with another color though)

so every since 1, i've found out that
1. brad died due to complications with (some kind of) cancer surgery
2. (i don't remember the rest of the text message)"

anyway, the thing went on and on and on cause i scrolled through it really fast without reading. i remember that whatever point 2 was, it took 4 texts to read it, but i only remember the colors thing cause it didn't make sense even in my dream, and point 1 under that cause... wth? brad's dead? and it made me really really sad... and confused why that was just a little point, and wondering how stevie was doing with that news. unfortunately, i woke up at this point in a coughing fit because i am sick as a dog.

you know when the dentist injects novacaine in your mouth and then tells you not to talk but you do it anyway cause it's kind of funny? and then it wears off and you realize, you've been chewing on your own tongue for the last 30 minutes and everything in your mouth hurts?
that's what my mouth feels like, except, my gums are swollen and it hurts to swallow.


Sunday, January 3, 2010


had a dream last night. i was back at the rugby house, and assuming no one was home, i went down to the kitchen to grab some food. put some rice in the microwave and suddenly, had a craving for chicken. so for some reason, i grabbed a frozen chicken from the freezer and stuck it in the george forman grill thing we have. as it's cooking, i hear jess's voice from upstairs yelling "what is that smell? are you using some herb spiced marinade or something?" and i yell back "yea"

at this point, i am lying about the fact that i am cooking chicken and i'm frantic that no one knows, but i am still cooking said chicken. the rice is done and i pack them into these cupcake tins, the chicken is done and i toss it on the cupcake tined rice. as i'm trying to clean up the grill, kel comes downstairs and starts talking to me. i am adamant that they not know i am eating chicken and start coming up with lies in my head in case they ask. i decide that if they do, i'll tell them it's not chicken, it's seitan and they simply have no idea what it is...

then my dream skips and it's my wedding. yup, i'm apparently getting married and to who? not a clue. but i did have on a big white fluffy dress, and i don't know where my husband went, but apparently after the wedding, it was time for pictures! and wherever my wedding was at, it was freakin gorgeous: a beautiful and awe-inspiring old building, fireworks in the background and water up front. my dad starts snapping pictures of me as i'm walking along the edge, around the water. then my mom comes up with my aunts and others in tow, grabs my hand and starts running towards this boat and it's like cinderella's pumpkin carriage but on water. there are a couple of them, my dad and mom and i (along with a few others i don't see) get into one and as it drifts off into the water, there are tourists visiting the old building and the area waiting in line to either get in the building or ride one of these boats (i'm not sure) and they start applauding me.

it was an interesting dream, only because i assume i will probably never get married. oh, and i'm a flexitarian. why am i trying to not only hide the fact that i'm eating chicken, but... why am i trying to eat it in the first place? it was definitely not a sustainable and local chicken.

huh. i love that my weird dreams are back. hope for more!